Deliver Value to Your Customers with Repower Engines
May 29th, 2009:
In tough economic times like these most of us are watching our pocketbooks much more closely. Consumers are stretching their dollars further and seeking out good values. While a depressed economy might lead to tougher times for independent dealers, it can also yield new opportunities. Independent dealers can offer consumers a great value proposition. We can help consumers by offering appropriate, value-oriented repower and repair alternatives.
Consumers seek out independent dealers for their power equipment and service needs because they want expert advice and service. While it's true that many consumers want to receive the most value for the least amount of money, they also appreciate the guidance that an expert dealer can provide. If they didn't, consumers would simply find the lowest price replacement option - whether it happened to be at an independent dealer or another retailer.
Working with consumer, asking the right questions and offering realistic, but not always the least expensive solutions, are critical to building trust and a long-term relationship. When you deliver a positive experience to your customers - especially during tough economic times - they will remember your expertise and professionalism. After the economy rebounds, your extra effort should be rewarded with additional business, and potentially, newly referred customers.
Repower engines are one way that the independent dealer can offer the consumer a solid value proposition. Repowering older equipment with a new, fully warranted, factory replacement engine that has all the new technological advances offers consumers an economic alternative to buying new equipment.
To effectively offer a repower alternative to your customer, there are many considerations that must be reviewed prior to replacing the engine. The condition of the equipment should be assessed. Consider the following:
Is the mower deck structurally sound (not cracked or fatigued)?
Do the wheels/tires have substantial life left in them?
On walk-behind lawnmowers, are the handles, cables and self-propel units in good condition?
On riding lawn tractors, is the drive train in good condition?
Does the customer have a particular fondness for the unit that can be identified?
If you decide that a repower engine offers the best value for the customer, Briggs & Stratton offers many choices for engine replacement. In some cases, recommending a new lawnmower or lawn tractor will be the right choice. But, often times repowering with a replacement engine will offer your customer the best value. In the end, you can deliver a great experience for your customers by providing your honest opinions, carefully considered options and expert advice.
Written By: Gary Bucciantini
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